These hand-dyed silk ribbons look so pretty on the monitor, I bet they are even more gorgeous in person. (via Full House)
This clip about growth and nature is in the Redwood forests by Jesse Rosten is beautifully filmed and inspiring... definitely worth a watch. There is a reverence and serenity about it.

I definitely want to order up some of these Magic Milk Straws that Joy talked about. What a great idea to flavor your milk in a fun way. (photo by Oh Joy)

I pinned this space a few weeks ago but can't stop thinking about it. See the whole space here. The mix of industrial and modern is perfection.
If you ski or board you will appreciate this tilt-shift Whistler Blackcomb video clip even more, it is quite darn amazing to see the action around the slopes in this style. (via fubiz)
I also write for the Family Style section of Babble and here are five of my posts from this week where I talk about...
Five spring trends that come back every year
The new Mac App Store
The prettiest set of Parisian puzzles
The adorable new Zoo Bookends and Zoo Tableware from Skip Hop
Some great 2011 daily planners
Have a stellar weekend dear readers!
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→Top Five Friday : Favorites of the week...
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