so i didnt end up going into work on friday night. i wasn't feeling well and the stress from all of my final projects was making it so much worse. granted i lost several hundred dollars by not working... that probably didn't help either. however, i was able to just kind of hang out and kick it with AJ and Bryan. i went to bed around the same time i would have had i worked. yesterday i spent all day at the coffee shop doing homework and writing a ridiculous paper. its all bullcrap honestly. then i went to work. it was dead. sooo slow all night. today i woke up and came to panera and this is where i've been for the past 4 hours. tucked in my corner of the restaurant, working on my advertising campaign and i even had time to make a new twitter background. click HERE to see it. forgive me if it cuts off a little on your screen... i'm working on a beast of a 17" macbook pro so my screen is wayyy wider than normal computers. hmm.. i just did the mixtape for tomorrow so ill have that posted soon!
i cant wait for christmas break so i can rearrange my room, get rid of a bunch of crap, organize my life, etc. i have 2 days of classes this week and sadly they're my worst 2 days. haha thats how it works though, am i right?! i didnt work on my flash website much so thats a bummer, and i have a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning that i dont know if i'll be able to go to because of my homework. gosh!
wednesday morning i'm loading baby G up and heading down to hohenwald. i'll do laundry and then go to work from there. the night before thanksgiving is usually our busiest night of the year at the bar. isnt that crazy!? i'll work roughly 8pm til midnight or 2am. blah! then thursday is thanksgiving with my stepdad's family. i'll either camp out at my parent's house until i work friday night or ill head back at some point so i can shop. i didnt go black friday shopping last year (first time in 15 years...) so i might not again this year. i shouldn't spend any moniezzzz.
sorry i didnt let that post go from the queue like i said i would. there are some things i want to elaborate on first :) and several things i'd like to get YOUR opinions on! yay!
i was thinking about following suit of other bloggers and doing a christmas exchange but i'm really unorganized and i also don't want to post my personal address on a public blog. if it were my livejournal that'd be different. if anyone wants to exchange small holiday things or cards, let me know! anyone who sends anything to me will 100% get something in return. i did it a few years ago and it was so fun! so let me know if you're interested! you can leave a comment below or email me at kaelahbee (at) gmail (dot) com!
hope you're all having a great sunday!

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→sunday funday!
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