so today was stress mania. i had to rush to class at 9am, do an entire commercial spot for my ad campaign, work several hours on it, go to web 2 class, then go do my presentation to some dude from an ad agency in nashville. luckily everything went well. just glad it's over. afterwards elle and i went to hobby lobby to get crafty things for the mask decorating party tonight. we went back to school where tons of us (me, elle, merissa, jt, katie, tiff, caitlin & eventually kayla, joanna, ashlea, megan and travis) ordered pizza, watched movies on the giiiiant projector screen in the classroom (the proposal and observe & report), got crafty with our masks, etc. i definitely burned 6 of my fingers AT ONE TIME... 4 of the have blisters on the tips. like, you dont even know how much pain i was in. i cannot use a hot glue gun to save my life. it took me a few hours to make my mask and then i helped merissa construct a dress out of wrapping paper haha. then i headed to the house where i was greeted by 2 inebriated roomies on the back twinkledeck and they engaged me in ridiculous conversation. oh my. now i'm freezign, i wanna crawl in bed and snuggle and get warm. :) tomorrow is my "off" day but i have to steamclean my carpet, clean my room, do my entire web 2 milestone project, and start on flash. always something! i was hoping to sleep in but alas i have a student government meeting to attend so off to bed i go!
this is my masquerade mask! everyone else was doing feathers and sequins and glitter so i decided to take a different approach. of course i'd do an owl! duh! so hopefully it matches my dress (and hopefully my dress fits!) but all should be well. ill take a photo of the final product :)
i love the smell of fresh roses and i definitely have 3 dozen just chillin on my bedside table. :D typically i'm not a fan of roses at all but something about them today just makes me feel in love. its a wonderful thing.
this is what i wore for my presentation today. i wore my hair down and long though, with my lil' signature bow & tulle headband.

dress: Therapy $70
lace shirt: Therapy $60
cardigan: Charlotte Russe $25
tights: H&M $10
flats: Wet Seal $10
belt: Goodwill $1.50
happy tuesday! or well... happy hump day i should say!
lace shirt: Therapy $60
cardigan: Charlotte Russe $25
tights: H&M $10
flats: Wet Seal $10
belt: Goodwill $1.50
happy tuesday! or well... happy hump day i should say!
edit: i forgot to say... unfortunately adam's mother has taken ill and experienced a stroke this weekend. she has been put in ICU and i'm not sure of her exact current situation but adam flew from san francisco today to las vegas (where shes now living) to be with her in the hospital. please keep her and his whole family in your thoughts and prayers. please send well wishes their way for a speedy recovery and safe travels. he's very distraught about it all and i'm awaiting a phone call for an update. thanks <3
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→stress maniaaa!
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