- VEGAN COOKING NIGHT! tonight bryan, elle, and i (tony was supposed to come but he has to work... so i invited craig but he may have prior plans) will cook a yummy vegan pasta bake! zucchini, squash, red peppers, yummy whole grain pasta and mushrooms! they're two of my nearest and dearest so i'm very excited for that!
- THE OFFICE SEASON 6 PREMIER! need i say more?!?!?!?! after leaving us with the pam being pregnant cliffhanger last season, i'm so so pumped for this! oh my!
- POSSIBLY GETTING HELP ON FLASH FROM ELLE: elle loves flash. i want to love flash. my overwhelmed brain is having a hard time with the concept. elle to the rescue!
oh today will be a good day! last night was fun but ended horribly. my friend tony came over and hung out around 8pm. bryan, tony, morgan and i all sat outside on the deck and listened to music and talked. after a while we headed indoors and watched america's funniest home videos and i had an onset of THE WORST MIGRAINE OF MY LIFE! i'm talking a headache that rendered me utterly useless. i've been getting many many more migraines than normal recently. it was to the point it hurt to stand up and all i could think about was vomitting. (tmi, i realize, sorry!)... i took a little bit of medication and prayed for it to flee. after a while i just couldn't take it anymore and announced to the company that i needed to go to bed. luckily they could see it in my face that i was terribly ill. i was in bed no later than 10:30pm... a huge feat for me. i left georgia in her "room" and i slept alone for fear that i was literally dying haha so overdramatic, i realize, but it was horrible. luckily 11 hours of sleep proved to be the greatest remedy and i woke up feeling much better. but i had to rush to school to do homework that was due today because i didn't think i'd make it to class.
class was fine, now i'm at panera leeching on some internetz and trying to be productive. i always end up blogging rather than doing anything worth any merit. tonight will be a fun night for many reasons.
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