love this clock from etsy. sadly it's sold out :(
there are absolutely not enough hours in the day. oh my. i woke up at 7:45am and threw on some jeans, headed to class with a messy ponytail and a university hoodie. went to art history, realized i forgot my book therefore my notes were utterly useless. poked around the internet until 10:10am when class let out. headed straight to the viscom building to get work done on advertising. several of the girls were over there so i had good company. elle showed up and brought me a lemon fruit slush from sonic. perfect for my slump. i worked from 10am until 3pm on advertising. dale looked over it, liked the concept, gave me some really great feedback and i was on my merry way. came home to shower, talked to bry for a bit and now here i am. freezing in my room, in my pjs, about to get ready for work and head to hobby lobby to rack up on matte board, canvas, paint pens and crafty items. i like productive days like today. granted, i could have done a lot more between 3pm and 6pm but whatever. work tonight. cross your fingers that i make some ~*cash moniez*~...xo
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