today i came home from class and painted, painted, painted, then tonight i went to barnes and noble in hopes of completing some holistic wellness "homework" (i did!) and gathering a few reading materials. it was a nice little break from the day and it felt so good to just relax. i bought a few new books, a journal, and a couple magazines. my heart races when i read BUST and i know that it's where i'm supposed to be. May cannot come soon enough so that i may be sitting in my little chair at my little intern table back on lower 5th avenue. the design, the aesthetics, the content, the soul and core of that magazine, they're incredible. but not even remotely as incredible as the lovely ladies that slave over it. they are few but they are mighty. i'd love to join their ranks one day. anywhoo, i also picked up "work in progress: an unfinished woman's guide to grace" by kristin armstrong. i already read 60+ pages of it in the store. brilliant! such an uplifting book on how to be a graceful christian woman. i do feel as though its a bit narcissistic at times, but its a good read thus far. i got "The Message: Solo Remix", too. its labeled as "An Uncommon Devotional" and its just a new way to look at the Bible. i've read several days worth of stuff and its a fresh perspective. andddd then I got a new journal for my purse with the ever so perfect quote "Keep Calm and Carry On". i do love my little black moleskin that i keep but this can serve for more photographic evidence....
after i got home i played with georgia, caught up on some blogs, then JamieSky (my dear dear old friend) called and i caught up with him for awhile. hopefully i'll be seeing him on wednesday! as we get tattooed by the same guy. and now i'm much overdue for bed but i'd rather journal and paint and doodle. i have a lot of homework i actually need to do before classes tomorrow... oh my. sleepy time soon!

after i got home i played with georgia, caught up on some blogs, then JamieSky (my dear dear old friend) called and i caught up with him for awhile. hopefully i'll be seeing him on wednesday! as we get tattooed by the same guy. and now i'm much overdue for bed but i'd rather journal and paint and doodle. i have a lot of homework i actually need to do before classes tomorrow... oh my. sleepy time soon!

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→barnes & noble.
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