Happy Blog Action Day!

    I don't know about you, but my idea of fashion and style does not involve handbags made of seat belts, bottle tops, or candy wrappers. I know it will be a shock to some of you, but I don't DO crunchy. Surely making environmentally sound choices doesn't have to look so freaking hideous?

    In honor of Blog Action Day, I am presenting you with several eco-friendly shopping options and sites, all of which have a distinctly crunch-free (or at least low-crunch) vibe.

    ecofabulous is a blog with several eco-friendly categories; check out the Fashion category for news on eco friendly clothing lines, sources of hip organic tees, and details on recycled accessories that you would actually want to wear, like designer sunglasses and fun jewelry.

    The Fashion + Beauty section of Treehugger is another great source for eco-conscious clothing, all natural cosmetics, and some brief articles on topics like environmentally sound uses of fur.

    Real Green's article Fire Your Clothes Dryer is a practical article on why we should stop using our dryers and how we can do it. I like how practical and realistic the suggestions are; I tend to ignore well-intentioned articles recommending I bike to work or advising that I not flush the toilet every time (um, yeah, right).

    The Rain Forest Site is a fun site, where you can not only click on a link every day to help protect endangered habitats, but you can also shop for well-priced jewelry, handbags, and clothing. Purchases also contribute to the protection of habitats, and site tells you exactly how much you are helping with each item. Steer clear of all prairie skirts and peace-sign tees; there are plenty of modern, wearable options available without having to go to that dark and hideous place. And by well-priced, I mean truly affordable.

    Earth Girls in an online "eco boutique" with some seriously adorable stuff. The well edited selection of clothes and accessories is fab enough that I'd shop there even if it weren't a environmentally friendly site.

    World of Good
    sells "Style Savvy, Planet Friendly" goods, and it's not all raffia bags (although some of those are pretty cute for spring & summer). Some of the jewelry is great, and I am drooling over several recycled rings and bangles. Lots of well-priced choices, here, too...

    Many people make earth friendly choices simply by shopping at vintage, thrift, or consignment stores. I find these places hard to shop in (I'm weak, I know) and thus don't have any fab advice on them. I do admire those with the stamina to sift the diamonds from the endless rough- I've seen a few amazing finds on some co-workers.

    This is not a comprehensive list, so feel free to share your (stylish, non-crunchy) suggestions, too!

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Happy Blog Action Day!

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