i apologize for the awkwardness of the above picture but i was tryin to show a friend the portrait on my inner arm. it's just the first layer and i need to sit again to get the finished piece but anyway... its my mother.
i've said it countless times before but she is a saint. she is who i run to. always. i can't go a full day without hearing her voice on the phone. its so reassuring. and today thats exactly what i needed. i started to venture down to hohenwald but i got halfway there, lost it listening to copeland, and i turned around. i ended up in college grove at adam's grandparents. we played with the horses and lazed around. two hours later i was en route to my house. so i called my mother. i really wanted to see her today because i've just been the host of a heavy heart for the past few days. even though i couldn't be there in body, she managed to come through for me via telephone. we had a wonderful conversation where i cried and she told me everything will be alright.
i know i just sound like i'm harping on a subject but today was exactly what i needed. the weight has been lifted off of my shoulders and my heart sits comfortably in the cavity of my chest. i know that things will be more than alright and i feel truly blessed to be able to look at things this way.
i've been thinking about where i'll be venturing off to once i graduate college. less than 16 months away and i'll be finished with this degree. theres no telling where life will take me. new york city. san francisco. maybe even staying here in nashville. i dont want to get too ahead of myself but i can honestly say that without a doubt, i'm so excited for it.
i feel like a brand new person. my faith has been restored and i want to make sure i'm doing the best i can to aide in the full spectrum of humanity. not to mention after i got home, i vented to Bryan and being the awesome best friend that he is, he took the last half of the day off of work and we just hung out. it was awesome.
with that being said, i'm going to go play some Mario Kart on the n64 with Bryan and Apple Jacks. hokay!
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