For those of you who are morally opposed to/annoyed by/just don't wanna tweet or follow such things, I present to you an Official But Not Comprehensive Gift Watch Summary Thus Far:
1. For the entertainer and/or sweets lover on your list check out www.cupcakecaps.com
2. Super fun and affordable ring at http://tinyurl.com/yklpgjs
3. For the Star Wars fan on your list, this ($132!) bangle will make them proud: http://tinyurl.com/yzmgqye
4. This sweet cupcake lip balm 4 pack is $10 http://tinyurl.com/yeubhm3
5. Find INSANELY adorable (without being kitschy!) jewelry at http://alexmonroe.com/
6. Need a gift idea? Get her this wallet (only $38!) and slip in a couple of gift cards... http://tinyurl.com/ylozmjj
7. This make up set just looks fun to play with: http://tinyurl.com/yhvk3c8
8. These wool-cashmere gloves with buttons are so cute! http://tinyurl.com/yjlc4w3
9. Consider signing up for an Amazon Prime account-the 2 day free shipping on almost everything more than pays for itself during the holidays, at least for me...
10. Free shipping @ J Crew on $150 or more (let's face it: hitting $150 is no problem on that site). Enter code HOLIDAY
11. Her pieces run on the pricey side but they are gorgeous, unique and fun: www.kellymorgen.com
12. CUTEST CERAMICS EVER @ www.villageclayworks.com
13. I love, love, LOVE this detailed and nature-inspired jewelry with a dark side. It's well priced, too! www.dariasalusjewelry.com
14. This cloisonné jewelry is amazing: www.lindalundell.com
15. Crate and Barrel has some pretty fun under $25 & under $50 stuff: http://www.crateandbarrel.com/Gifts/
16. Who doesn't love a cashmere scarf? Lots of options at Nordstrom for under $100.
And, now, for your Feel Good Link of The Day...
17. 31 ways to help others this season: http://letshaveacocktail.blogspot.com/2009/12/31-days-of-goodness.html
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→Gift Watch 2009
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