my oh my! long overdue! i wish i could make time to do it every singled thursday, or at least once a week, but sadly i cannot. however, we will not dwell on that. instead, we will simply bask in all that is awesome in this week's "things i love!" huzzah!

1. where the wild things are! i know i'm not the only one counting down the days until this comes out! fifteen! whoever baked this cake... you are my hero. just so you know. WTWTA is totally my desktop background too. love it.

2. my paper crane. she makes amazing plush creations. basically everything i've ver wanted to make with felt, etc, she does! incredible. i really want to own like 75% of the things she makes. specifically this boat above. anyone wanna get me an early christmas present? ;) click HERE to see her website!

3. THIS. no words necessary.

4. outfit inspiration! you all should know two things about me by now: 1. i love cardigans. 2. i love big belts, even if they serve no real purpose.

5. the pefect shade of red hair! gorgeous. gorgeous. gorgeous.

6. swingsets! and just playgrounds in general. feeling like a kid again and competing to see who can get the highest the fastest and then doing the totally smart thing of jumping off mid-air and then totally face planting (at least in my situations ha!). so many friends have broken arms and wrists and ankles, but oh the joy they bring! i love just venturing over to pinkerton park behind my house and swinging around for a bit. oh to be a kid again!

7. clever, sarcastic word graphics! i don't know what site (if any) this is from, but i know it's not the only one. i remember acquiring it via tumblr so if you guys know where they're from or if you have any of the others, i'd love to see them! i like the sarcasm stuff today, huh?

8. new york city! manhattan! don't worry, my dear dear busy city. i shall be back home soon.

9. the office. any & everything related. this is my friend derek. i hope he doesn't mind i totally ripped this off of his facebook haha but he's over in europe for the next two months so i doubt he'll mind :P he dressed up as Dwight Schrute for halloween. classic! he pulls it off SO PERFECTLY! im eternally jelaous of his sweet get-up! and this make me remember that a new episode of the office comes on tonight so i just called my roomie to make sure its recorded on the DVR just in case i dont get home in time! yes!

10. 666 photography. these images are AMAZING! absolutely breathtaking and the best part? they're releasing a coffee table book in the late part of this year (aka soon!) so be sure to go check it out! :D so excited for this. i'd love to have this on my coffee table... you know, if my roommates didnt let the daggum thing get sticky and filthy all the time. hmph! best saved for my place once i graduate maybe? click HERE to go view the website!
what are some things you love this week? you don't have to have a blogger account to leave any comments! so feel free to leave things that inspire you! also, feel free to leave a link to your blog! i'm looking for new blog roll buddies so if you want me to check it out, leave a link!
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→things i love thursday
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