On this day of all things weird and frivolous, I present you with several shopping options for the weird, frivolous, or perhaps just pre-teens on your upcoming holiday lists. Yeah, I said it- the holidays approach, people, let's not whine about it.
Galibardy is an accessories site with some pretty interesting trinkets. I'm talking a gold plated barbed wire necklace and cuckoo clock earrings. Love this site, think someone you are buying for might love it, too. I, of course, want the Bird on Wire brass necklace, but I digress...
Plasticland is chock full of ridiculous things I want that I never even knew I wanted, but that no one really NEEDS (except I need the Foot in the Door Shoe Doorstop, actually, so scratch that last part). The adorable shoe section alone is enough to keep me coming back for more, but they also have cute jewelry and handbags. Browse with caution: TOO much kitsch can be hazardous to your style.
I hate to break it to my friends with young kids, because I WILL be looking for excuses to buy stuff in the Teeny Tiny Toddlers section at Girlzlyfe. Don't lie, new or newish moms, you know you want your children to be the proud new owners of PB&J hairclips and this Cute as a Cupcake bodysuit. Just try to stop me. Truthfully, most of the items on this site are for a younger set, but that doesn't mean I won't be wishing that I'd had the Little Lemon studs in middle school. Or you know, had my ears peirced.
Happy frivolity!
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→Happy Halloween!
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