Shoe Diva!

    Most true shoe lovers never really need shoes- we are prepared for all contingencies with a variety of delicious footwear options. So, buying shoes is more of a sport or hobby than an exercise in filling any gaps in one's wardrobe. But "need" is a relative term, and some of us NEED to be entertained by shoes, shoe discussions, shoe critiques, and, most importantly, shoe shopping.

    Enter Shoe Diva.

    Last night at Macy's was the semi-annual Shoe Diva event, a wine & shoe-shaped cookie-filled event with a fashion show, a free shoe drawing and free totes with any purchase of the requisite amount. Twice a year, Macy's actually provides enough sales people to ACTUALLY help you try on and purchase shoes, which is why this is the only time I can stand shopping for shoes there. I'm a Nordstrom girl, people.

    I walked away with two pairs of shoes that I am in love with. Seriously, actual love.

    The first are the Cole Haan flat boots in black patent leather. Don't lie, you know they are awesome. The words from my boyfriend's mouth: "Those are pretty hot." If you can get that from a flat boot with Nike Air technology, rock on sister.

    The second are the BCBG Catilda, also in black patent leather. I am so not hiding these under pants, people. Bring out the black tights and a dress and these are some of the hottest shoes to ever grace my tooties.

    The women at work are going to hate both of these shoes by the end of winter because I am going to wear them pretty much every damn day.

    And now I have an extra $50 gift card for Macy's just burning a hole in my pocket...

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Shoe Diva!

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