Spencer Finch
At first glance, his installation art just looks like beautiful abstract art. But you start reading about the meticulous documentation, process and scientific method behind each piece and you begin to see how smart and involved his work is. His work has probably stuck with me the most out of all the artwork I've seen this year.

"Sky (Over Coney Island, November 26th, 2004, 12:47 p.m. Southwest view over the Cyclone.)" - Finch tried to precisely match the color of the clouds over Coney Island by inflating violet balloons inside cobalt helium balloons.

"CIE 529/ 418 (Candlelight)" - stained-glass window panes try to match the RGB colors picked up from candlelight measured eight inches away.

"Sunlight in an Empty Room (Passing Cloud for Emily Dickinson)" - made of 100 fluorescent lights, blue plastic filters, and clothespins.
Maira Kalman

I wish I were
Maira Kalman in another life. Her work is so inspiring. It is part diary, part sketchbook, part observation. She can paint a radiator or a found scrap of paper in gouache and give it personality. She illustrated an update to Strunk and White's classic, "The Elements of Style" and it is so beautiful. Her small paintings on paper were on exhibit in a gallery in Chelsea this year and I was so happy to see the original artwork.

Uta Barth
In college I bought an art book on Uta Barth at a used bookstore and fell in love with her photography. Some people may say they are unimpressed by the simplicity of her work. But I am overwhelmed by the eye she has for that perfect color, that certain mood and lighting in her photos.

Robin RhodeHe's a young South African artist who mixes street graffiti with performance, and his video art is something you have to see in person to really appreciate.

Morris Louis
Everytime I see his work (this year, in NY and DC), I'm mesmerized by his large, stained canvases.

Who are some of your favorite artists you've seen in galleries this year?